Part 20: Please Don't Stand On Our Huge Game Table
Update 20: Please Don't Stand On Our Huge Game Table

I got another character gallery unlock from Lector (Palm Fish + Palm Snowbug, which is called “Lita's Gift” but doesn't unlcok things for Lita. Curious). Arlin has exactly four portraits, two of which are nearly indistinguishable (“serious” and “irritated”). That seems kind of low for a player character, but I guess it works for the stoic one.

Music: Cute Witch
We'll be off to Ka Luda's soon enough, but let's run a few errands first.

I zipped on over to Arcose to head to Iris' Resting Place via Poto's Forest (in retrospect it would have been faster to go via Lector's Caravan but I have a stop in the forest to make anyway)...

Uh...I forgot that we actually get a choice here. Let's start with Klein.


Hmm, that was an odd little scene. As I suggested earlier, it's important to check up on Zeldalia every now and then to give her massages. I'll try to do this with every character if I get enough opportunities.

Music: Lost Technology

And that's a sidequest. Sadly, he doesn't have any as an immediate reward, but I'll try and check in every now and again.
There's also a strange scene we can witness if we return to the Cleft of Nelvia that I stumbled on by accident...

Music: Crack in the Earth

I love how nonchalant Pamela is about her status as a dead person. I wonder what sort of hijinks I would get up to if I were a ghost? I suspect it would involve trying to find a way to eat again.

Music: Huge Game Table
Hey, it looks like the chess pieces have rearranged themselves in this little closed off section. Hmm...

This puzzle is...actually pretty fun as RPG puzzles go, at least in my opinion. Basically, when you hit a white chess piece with Uru's Destruction Blast, it moves two squares in the direction you hit it (they can move along either axis or diagonally). So, in the above picture, hitting the piece from where I am will move it to the glowing panel. We want to get all four white pieces on the glowing panels.

Getting a white piece on a glowing panel raises one of the four super huge statues up thataway...

If a piece hits an obstacle (be it another piece or a raised black platform) it will stop early. Naturally, you can use this to your advantage to manipulate where your pieces end up.

The only real problem spot is over here, where all these purple pieces are clustered. We can also move these (they move three spaces instead of two like their white brethren), so it's just a matter of getting them out of the way to get a white piece through to the glowing spot.

And of course, they can also be used as walls to manipulate where your other pieces go.
Not too bad, all told. The actual enemy encounters are still the difficult part of this place, and since I'm just running around in one small area I don't have to get into too many of those.

And now we have the Flame Sphere. It...doesn't seem like it does anything. Just another key it-hey, wait a minute.

This was my prize for beating the Puni God. I bet they're connected somehow! I wonder if these extraneous, arbitrary rewards for tangent quests will end up being relevant later (hint: yes).

That's all we have to do here, but you know...I bet those purple pieces are important for more than acting as glorified walls. There's a non-glowing but still suspicious panel in the center of the area, and there are five purple pieces, enough for that plus the other four. Sure enough, getting a purple piece on a glowing tile adjusts the huge statues' height...

Switching everything out isn't too hard, either. Getting the purple pieces all unclustered from each other is probably the most obnoxious part.

When the four glowing tiles are covered with purple pieces...

...We get a battle. I really hate these Sentry enemies, they just have too much damage output.

By the way, you need to be careful with how you aim. Make sure that Klein is facing the right direction, or else you might accidentally shoot a piece the wrong way, or shoot the wrong piece entirely. Again, it's not hard, but I screwed up at exactly the wrong time and knocked a purple piece off of it's glowing spot.

So I had to redo the forced battle when I got the piece positioned right again.
After that, we get the fifth purple piece on the center tile, and...

Illusion? That sounds like it could do all sorts of things. Let's try it out!

C'mon, c'mon, c'moooon...

Wait, it missed? That's lame. Let me try again.

...What a shitty spell. I can't believe I solved a puzzle for this.
(it's actually a pretty fantastic damage dealer once we pour some points into the skill, but it's not worth bothering with right now).

Speaking of skills, I forgot to mention that Arlin learned a buff. It's kind of like a more controllable but less effective version of Lita's Murder Mode. I'll probably get some mileage out of this against one of the next bosses.

Music: Eternal Ground

I just want to chime in that this test would have been literally impossible for Delsus to do without Klein (or another alchemist who bonded with Uru). It's completely unreasonable to expect Delsus to do that all by himself.

That night...

Music: Small Workshop

I kind of want to like Lita, but then scenes like this happen. At least she's good about taking out her anger and self-worth issues on monsters and bad guys.

I guess this is just the game's way of making sure that we got both Nymph and Silwest, since we could conceivably have missed one or both at this point. I can't remember if the game makes an obvious check that we have them or not...I guess we'll find out!

Join me next time as we journey to the Land of Mana and/or I get distracted on the way there.